Learn How To Bring Connection, Excitement, And JOY Back Into Your Marriage!

Learn How To Bring Connection, Excitement, And JOY Back Into Your Marriage!

Do You Miss How Your

Falling in love was easy - even effortless!

But sustaining that love over the course of years and decades, careers and moves, childbearing and raising, medical issues and body changes, shifting goals and aspirations… well, that’s not so easy.

I want you to know right upfront that yes: it is absolutely possible to rekindle the spark your marriage once had and feel passionate, connected, and close to your spouse again.

But in order to do that, you must first understand…

Do You Miss How Your

Falling in love was easy - even effortless!

But sustaining that love over the course of years and decades, careers and moves, childbearing and raising, medical issues and body changes, shifting goals and aspirations… well, that’s not so easy.

I want you to know right upfront that yes: it is absolutely possible to rekindle the spark your marriage once had and feel passionate, connected, and close to your spouse again.

But in order to do that, you must first understand…

How Your Marriage

Early in the relationship, everything is new and exciting.

We’re getting to know one another (while on our very best behavior). We’re planning a wedding, speaking the most beautiful words about how we'll love each other until the end of time.

In fact, the honeymoon phase feels so good that we put the relationship on autopilot and throw ourselves into whatever comes next - a home, a business or career, a family - assuming that our love will carry us through.

It’s only after years of pouring all our attention, focus, love, and energy into these other pursuits (most significantly, our children!) that we look up and realize:

  • We feel disconnected as a couple.

  • We’ve stopped having fun and being playful together.

  • We never talk about anything other than the kids, the house, the weather, or work.

  • Small resentments have piled up and disagreements rarely reach a resolution.

  • We’ve begun withholding love from each other in a million small, subtle ways.

We’ve become a married couple that lives like roommates, and we’re left wondering, “How did we get here?

How Your Marriage

Early in the relationship, everything is new and exciting.

We’re getting to know one another (while on our very best behavior). We’re planning a wedding, speaking the most beautiful words about how we'll love each other until the end of time.

In fact, the honeymoon phase feels so good that we put the relationship on autopilot and throw ourselves into whatever comes next - a home, a business or career, a family - assuming that our love will carry us through.

It’s only after years of pouring all our attention, focus, love, and energy into these other pursuits (most significantly, our children!) that we look up and realize:

  • We feel disconnected as a couple.

  • We’ve stopped having fun and being playful together.

  • We never talk about anything other than the kids, the house, the weather, or work.

  • Small resentments have piled up and disagreements rarely reach a resolution.

  • We’ve begun withholding love from each other in a million small, subtle ways.

We’ve become a married couple that lives like roommates, and we’re left wondering, “How did we get here?

The Real Reason Marriages

We didn’t expect love and marriage to be easy, but why didn’t anyone tell us it would be THIS difficult?

To put it simply: no one else knew, either! None of us were equipped to be successful in our marriages.

We don’t take classes on how to create and sustain lasting relationships. All we enter a marriage with is love, hope, and the examples our parents set for us, which is problematic no matter how you cut it:

  • If our parents didn’t have a good marriage, that dysfunction can feel familiar (and therefore acceptable) when it shows up in our own marriages.

  • Even if our parents set a beautiful example of what love and marriage should look like, I think we can all agree that times have changed; what we want inside of our marriage today looks and feels very different from what our parents wanted.

The Real Reason Marriages

We didn’t expect love and marriage to be easy, but why didn’t anyone tell us it would be THIS difficult?

To put it simply: no one else knew, either! None of us were equipped to be successful in our marriages.

We don’t take classes on how to create and sustain lasting relationships. All we enter a marriage with is love, hope, and the examples our parents set for us, which is problematic no matter how you cut it:

  • If our parents didn’t have a good marriage, that dysfunction can feel familiar (and therefore acceptable) when it shows up in our own marriages.

  • Even if our parents set a beautiful example of what love and marriage should look like, I think we can all agree that times have changed; what we want inside of our marriage today looks and feels very different from what our parents wanted.

Here's The

Although you’re certainly not the only couple to feel distant after spending years together, this is NOT “just the way marriage is once the honeymoon phase ends.”

It’s completely possible to maintain a loving and deeply connective relationship for decades (yes, even if you’ve felt disconnected from your spouse for quite some time now).

But, like anything else, you’ll need some solid tools and training in order to be successful at it.

After all, would you let an accountant file your taxes for you if they had no tools or education? Or a nanny watch your child with no prior training? Of course not.

That’s why I’ve created something just for you.

Here's The

Although you’re certainly not the only couple to feel distant after spending years together, this is NOT “just the way marriage is once the honeymoon phase ends.”

It’s completely possible to maintain a loving and deeply connective relationship for decades (yes, even if you’ve felt disconnected from your spouse for quite some time now).

But, like anything else, you’ll need some solid tools and training in order to be successful at it.

After all, would you let an accountant file your taxes for you if they had no tools or education? Or a nanny watch your child with no prior training? Of course not.

That’s why I’ve created something just for you.

Learn How To Rekindle The
Connection In Your Marriage

My Learning to Love membership is for anyone who wants to feel seen, desired, and deeply in love with their spouse again.

Every day, I’ll release a new short audio lesson with tools and insights you can use to make your most important relationship feel good and LAST.

You’ll Learn:

  • How to feel validated, understood, appreciated, and KNOWN in your marriage

  • How to restore passion to your marriage (dates you look forward to, late night pillow talk, sex that feels exciting again!)

  • How to make huge shifts in your relationship just with WHAT you say and HOW you say it

  • What to do if your division of labor feels unbalanced (and how to move past any resentment it’s caused)

  • How to argue more productively (this is the key to breaking out of old patterns and feeling CLOSER every day - even in the face of challenges)

You’ll learn how to love in an entirely new way that brings you closer together over time rather than further apart - in only about five minutes of listening a day.

Learn How To Rekindle The
Connection In
Your Marriage

My Learning to Love membership is for anyone who wants to feel seen, desired, and deeply in love with their spouse again.

Every day, I’ll release a new short audio lesson with tools and insights you can use to make your most important relationship feel good and LAST.

You’ll Learn:

  • How to feel validated, understood, appreciated, and KNOWN in your marriage

  • How to restore passion to your marriage (dates you look forward to, late night pillow talk, sex that feels exciting again!)

  • How to make huge shifts in your relationship just with WHAT you say and HOW you say it

  • What to do if your division of labor feels unbalanced (and how to move past any resentment it’s caused)

  • How to argue more productively (this is the key to breaking out of old patterns and feeling CLOSER every day - even in the face of challenges)

You’ll learn how to love in an entirely new way that brings you closer together over time rather than further apart - in only about five minutes of listening a day.

Here's What

A Learning to Love membership costs $27/month…

As soon as you sign up, you’ll gain access to a private podcast feed where
you can listen to all of the content through your preferred platform.

PLUS, if you sign up before this special offer ends…

You’ll Get The Learning to Love Audiobook

If you want to create and sustain lasting love with your spouse for years to come… my Learning to Love audiobook is for you.

Inside, I share 21 secrets that will help you build the kind of relationship you desire with practical tools that last a lifetime.

You can listen to it anytime, anywhere, just like the 5-minute membership audio lessons!

And you’ll get it for FREE if you purchase your Learning to Love membership before 11:59PM PST on January 4th

There Is NO Annual Fee Or Yearly Commitment

The tools and trainings inside this membership have already helped thousands of women find peace, clarity, and happiness in their marriages.

But if you’re not satisfied, please know that you can cancel at any time. There is no yearly commitment or annual fee to pay; this is a truly month-to-month subscription.

That said, do keep in mind that you’ll need to pay the regular $27/month rate if you sign up again at a later date.

Here’s What Other Women Have To Say

“I thought I knew about people from being a nurse. Boy was I wrong! Long term relationships are a lot of work. Knowing your partner/husband helps a lot and most of all how to communicate.”

“I’m so grateful for the tools you have taught me. These feel meaningful and sustainable. I’m no longer running from myself and feel much less anxious. I haven’t felt this empowered ever in my entire adult life.

I'm feeling stronger and stronger each day listening to your teachings. Even my friends have noticed a change in me! It's the boiling frog analogy; you don't really notice yourself slowly losing confidence. But I'm getting that back. Thank you.”

Want To Take Your First Step Toward A Happier, Closer, And More Connected Marriage?

Here’s What Other Women Have To Say

“I thought I knew about people from being a nurse. Boy was I wrong! Long term relationships are a lot of work. Knowing your partner/husband helps a lot and most of all how to communicate.”

“I’m so grateful for the tools you have taught me. These feel meaningful and sustainable. I’m no longer running from myself and feel much less anxious. I haven’t felt this empowered ever in my entire adult life.

I'm feeling stronger and stronger each day listening to your teachings. Even my friends have noticed a change in me! It's the boiling frog analogy; you don't really notice yourself slowly losing confidence. But I'm getting that back. Thank you.”

Want To Take Your First Step Toward A Happier, Closer, And More Connected Marriage?


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Copyright ©2024 • Learning To Love • All Rights Reserved